Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Assignment Essay Example for Free
Task Essay Practice of Management Assignment Individual task to be done as schoolwork To be done in Word with a spread page Watch the full meeting from the connection beneath with Indra Nooyi, CEO of Pepsi Co and answer the accompanying inquiries dependent on the Interview interface: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ft7G549GF3Y Answer the inquiries with however much detail as could reasonably be expected Question 1 How would you feel about a supervisor who makes the solid associations with their staff and beneficiary staffs families as Indra Nooyi does? Question 2 What is the working way of thinking of Pepsi Co? (clarify in detail) Question 3 What was the particular activity Indra Nooyi never really prepared for her first Job as an item administrator for a material organization? Question 4 What are the attributes that Indra Nooyi searches for while selecting for the Pepsi co? Question 5 What does Mrs. Nooyi mean by dont pursue position? Question 6 How did Pepsi Co handle the procurement of Tropicana? Co? Question 5
Saturday, August 22, 2020
5 formas de obtener la ciudadanÃÂa americana
5 formas de obtener la ciudadanã a Yankee folklore La ciudadanã a Yankee folklore brinda, entre otros derechos, poder vivir y trabajar sin restricciones en los Estados Unidos y viajar con el pasaporte de ese paã s. Es muy comã ºn pensar que la nacionalidad estadounidense sã ³lo se obtiene si se nace en el paã s, pero eso es una thought equivocada. De hecho, child 5 los posibles caminos para obtener la ciudadanã a Yankee folklore: nacimiento, sangre, naturalizaciã ³n, derivaciã ³n o adopciã ³n. A continuaciã ³n, los requisitos para cada caso. Ciudadanos de EE.UU. por nacimiento en ese paã s La forma ms comã ºn de adquisiciã ³n de la ciudadanã a estadounidense es por jus soil que es por nacimiento en cualquiera de los 50 estados que componen los Estados Unidos de Amã ©rica o en alguno de sus territorios como, por ejemplo, Puerto Rico, Islas Vã rgenes Americanas, Guam y las Islas Marianas del Norte. Casi todosâ los nacidos en Estados Unidos child ciudadanos americanos. La excepciã ³n child los hijos de padres extranjeros que se encuentran temporalmente en EE.UU. trabajando como diplomticos para el gobierno de otro paã s. Ello se debe a que los diplomticos no estn sujetos a la jurisdicciã ³n de Estados Unidos.â La ciudadanã a Yankee folklore para el resto de los nacidos en el paã s est protegida por la Enmienda 14 de la Constituciã ³n. No importa el estatus migratorio de los padres. Si un bebã © nace en Estados Unidos o en uno de sus territorios el niã ±o es estadounidense aunque uno o los dos padres sean indocumentados. En este punto cabe destacar que es importante obtener cuanto risks el certificado de nacimiento del niã ±o, el Nã ºmero del Seguro Social y, si es posible, el pasaporte estadounidense. Si un menor deal de EE.UU. sin pasaporte de este paã s podrã a tener ms tarde problemas para regresar como estadounidense si no es posible probar que la madre estaba en EE.UU. en la fecha de nacimiento o si se le cambian los apellidos o el nombre al nã ±o y no coinciden exactamente con los de su certificado de nacimiento americano. Tambiã ©n se estn dando problemas en el caso de menores estadounidenses hijos de indocumentados que salen de EE.UU. ellos performances y con pasaporte americano y à ©ste expira estando en otro paã s. En este caso podrã a haber problemas para renovarlo porque los padres indocumentados siguen en EE.UU. y no pueden presentarse con el niã ±o al consulado o a la embajada para pedir su renovaciã ³n. La consecuencia de este problema es que el niã ±o podrã a no obtener su pasaporte para regresar an EE.UU. Finalmente, una aclaraciã ³n a las personas de otros paã ses que pueden considerar venir an Estados Unidos a dar a luz para asã asegurarse el pasaporte estadounidense para el reciã ©n nacido. Es una prctica que sã se realiza, pero conviene saber que el oficial migratorio puede impedir el ingreso a mujeres embarazadas extranjeras si no pueden probar que tienen cã ³mo pagar por un parto. Adems, deben conocerse losâ riesgos de tener un hijo en Estados Unidos con visa de turista y resaltar que los menores estadounidenses no cambian la situaciã ³n migratoria de sus padres. Para que un hijo pueda pedir a sus padres es necesario que tenga 21 aã ±os de edad y, adems, se cumplan otros requisitos. Ciudadanã a History of the U.S por naturalizaciã ³n La naturalizaciã ³n es un trmite por el que un extranjero que es residente permanente legalâ solicita voluntariamente la ciudadanã a americana.â La mayorã a de las naturalizaciones tienen lugar cuando un residente permanente lawful solicita la ciudadanã a cinco aã ±os despuã ©s de haber conseguido la green cardâ o de tres aã ±os si estn casados con un estadounidense. Adems, roughage casos especiales de naturalizaciã ³n: Ciudadanã a History of the U.S por los abuelosCiudadanà a para militaresAlgunos casos de adopciã ³n Se estima que en la actualidad aproximadamente ocho millones de residentes permanentes legales cumplen los requisitos para solicitar la ciudadanã a por naturalizaciã ³n. Muchos no lo hacen porque le tienen miedo al examen de conocimientos histã ³ricos y cã vicos y, muy especialmente, al de inglã ©s. Sin ban roughage que tener en cuenta que existen excepciones y casos en los queâ no feed que rendir el examen de inglã ©s durante la naturalizaciã ³n. Adems, en task el paã s estn presentes organizaciones que dan clases free para preparar el examen de ciudadanã a. Los ciudadanos naturalizados adquieren, bsicamente, los mismos derechos que los ciudadanos por nacimiento. Sin ban, no pueden aspirar a ser presidentes del paã s, un privilegio reservado a lo que se denomina characteristic conceived residents. Por à ºltimo, despejar dos dudas muy comunes. En preliminary lugar,â que en contra de lo que frecuentemente se cree, los ciudadanos americanos por naturalizaciã ³n no pierden la ciudadanã a si abandonan Estados Unidos y se van a vivir de forma definitiva an otro paã s. Esa situaciã ³n se daba en el pasado, con otras leyes, pero ya no es asã . En segundo lugar, Estados Unidos permite la doble nacionalidad, es decir, no exige que se renuncie a la de nacimiento como condiciã ³n para adquirir la estadounidense por naturalizaciã ³n. Sin ban, bets de solicitar la naturalizaciã ³n es aconsejable verificar las leyes del paã s de origen porque en muchos casos adquirir la ciudadanã a de Estados Unidos puede significar perder automticamente la del paã s de origen. Ciudadanã a derivada automtica para hijos de naturalizados Cuando una persona adquiere la nacionalidad History of the U.S por naturalizaciã ³n, sus hijos se convierten en estadounidenses de forma automtica siempre y cuando: Sean menores de 18 aã ±os y residentes permanentes legales. Es decir, sean titulares de su propia tarjeta de residencia.Que vivan con el pap o la mam que se convierte en ciudadano y que à ©ste tenga su custodia fã sica y lawful de los menores de edad. Esto es asã desde el 27 de febrero de 2001, cuando entrã ³ en energy la reforma de la Ley de Ciudadanã a para Niã ±os, conocida como CCA, por sus siglas en inglã ©s. Esa fecha es muy importante porque las reglas que aplicaban con anterioridad eran diferentes. Por lo tanto, las personas en esa situaciã ³n deberã an obtener ms informaciã ³n en este enlace sobre cã ³mo probar la ciudadanã a History of the U.S derivada en estos casos y quã © sucede con las personas en esta situaciã ³n con anterioridad a la entrada en aplicaciã ³n de la nueva ley. Adopciã ³n por parte de ciudadanos estadounidenses Los niã ±os nacidos en el extranjero que child adoptados por ciudadanos americanos adquieren, por lo general, la nacionalidad de sus padres. Pero existen diversos casos que conviene conocerâ ya que es posible en algunos casos que se adquiera la situaciã ³n de residente permanente lawful. Nacidos en el extranjero cuando los padres child americanos o derecho de sangre Las personas nacidas en otro paã s child americanas desde el momento de su nacimiento si el padre, la madre o ambos child estadounidenses. Pero siempre y cuando se cumplan una serie de requerimientosâ muy estrictos que child diferentes si ambos padres child ciudadanos, si sã ³lo es uno de ellos y si estn solteros o casados. Las personas interesadas pueden informarse sobre los requisitos que deben cumplirse para transmitir por derecho de sangre la nacionalidadâ por padre o madre al hijo nacido en el extranjero, lo que tambiã ©n se conoce como derecho de sangre o ius sanguinis. Cuando no se cumplan, en algunos casos todavã a ser posible que el menor obtenga la ciudadanã a pero a travã ©s de un abuelo y pasando por un proceso de naturalizaciã ³n. Derechos y obligaciones de ciudadanos En Estados Unidos, los ciudadanos gozan de derechos y privilegios reservados para ellos. Por ejemplo, pueden votar registrndose previamente, viajar con pasaporte de EE.UU., desempeã ±ar ciertos trabajos federales reservados para ellos, pedir los papeles a ms familiares que los residentes permanentes, and so on. Pero tambiã ©n tienen obligaciones que continã ºan an aplicar incluso aunque residan habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos, como es, por ejemplo, la de pagar impuestos o, en el caso de los varones jã ³venes, anotarse al Servicio Selectivo. Tasks los experts y cons de adquirir la ciudadanã a Yankee folklore deberã an tenerse en cuenta risks de adquirirla. Puntos claves: 5 formas de adquirir la ciudadanã a History of the U.S En la actualidad, existen 5 formas de adquirir la ciudadanã a estadounidense:Nacimiento: para tasks excepto hijos de diplomticosNaturalizacià ³n: cuando un residente permanente lawful choose hacerse ciudadano Derivaciã ³n: para algunos hijos de los residentes permanentes legales que se convierten en ciudadanos.Adopcià ³n: para niã ±os nacidos en el extranjeros y adoptados por estadounidensesSangre: para niã ±os nacidos en el extranjero hijos de ciudadanos americanos. Este es un artã culo informativo. No es asesorã a legitimate.
Shattered by Dick Francis :: essays research papers
Gerald Logan and Martin Stuckey met in a jury room and became prompt companions despite the fact that they share little in like manner. Martin is a pony racer who races at the tip top English tracks. Logan, who claims and works Logan Glass, is a talented glassblower starting to gain a merited notoriety. Much after the difficulty started, Logan never accused Stuckey nor lamented their fellowship. On New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s Eve, Logan watches Stuckey race at Cheltenham. Notwithstanding, one of the ponies Stuckey rides falters and falls on the racer, executing him quickly. Before a dazed Logan can leave the track, he gets a tape from Stuckey㠢â⠬â⠢s valet, who says the perished intended to offer it to him after the races. Logan leaves the tape and his store㠢â⠬â⠢s receipt on the store counter to head outside and appreciate the new thousand years. At the point when he restores, the tape and his cash are no more. A few days after the fact, hooligans stand up to Logan requesting the tape. They don't trust him when he discloses to them he no longer has the tape. He likewise realizes he is in a tough situation except if he recuperates the tape and offers it to the correct specialists. Examination à à à à à This is the main novel I have perused by Dick Francis. At the point when I initially got the book I thought I was truly going to peruse some trash since I saw a pony on the title page. In any case, truly, the book was normal. There are gaps in the plot sufficiently enormous to ride a pony through. For instance, would the data that makes the tape so important truly be put on a tape? The essential lowlifess are animation like and there are numerous occasions wherein we are inquired as to whether glass-blowing is so damn entrancing to all the auxiliary characters. The plot was negative. I saw it as truly amazing. It occurred on New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s Eve, Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s closest companion bites the dust in a race on New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s, Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s companion Lloyd Baxter lies oblivious in Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s store as far as anyone knows from an epilepsy-assault. Broken by Dick Francis :: papers look into papers Gerald Logan and Martin Stuckey met in a jury room and became prompt companions despite the fact that they share little in like manner. Martin is a pony racer who races at the first class English tracks. Logan, who claims and works Logan Glass, is a skilled glassblower starting to procure a merited notoriety. Much after the difficulty started, Logan never accused Stuckey nor lamented their fellowship. On New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s Eve, Logan watches Stuckey race at Cheltenham. Notwithstanding, one of the ponies Stuckey rides falters and falls on the racer, murdering him in a split second. Before a paralyzed Logan can leave the track, he gets a tape from Stuckey㠢â⠬â⠢s valet, who says the perished wanted to offer it to him after the races. Logan leaves the tape and his store㠢â⠬â⠢s receipt on the store counter to head outside and appreciate the new thousand years. At the point when he restores, the tape and his cash are no more. Two or after three days, hooligans go up against Logan requesting the tape. They don't trust him when he discloses to them he no longer has the tape. He additionally realizes he is in a difficult situation except if he recoups the tape and offers it to the correct specialists. Investigation à à à à à This is the main novel I have perused by Dick Francis. At the point when I originally got the book I thought I was truly going to peruse some trash since I saw a pony on the title page. In any case, truly, the book was normal. There are gaps in the plot sufficiently enormous to ride a pony through. For instance, would the data that makes the tape so important truly be put on a tape? The essential scoundrels are animation like and there are numerous occasions wherein we are inquired as to whether glass-blowing is so damn intriguing to all the optional characters. The plot was negative. I saw it as entirely fantastic. It occurred on New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s Eve, Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s closest companion passes on in a race on New Year㠢â⠬â⠢s, Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s companion Lloyd Baxter lies oblivious in Logan㠢â⠬â⠢s store as far as anyone knows from an epilepsy-assault.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Type 2 Diabetes
Living with Type 2 Diabetes Introduction Diabetes is an incessant illness that happens either when the pancreas doesn't deliver enough insulin or when the body can't viably utilize the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that controls glucose. Hyperglycemia, or raised glucose, is a typical impact of uncontrolled diabetes and after some time prompts genuine harm to a significant number of the body's frameworks. No fix has been found for this infection. Nonetheless, a significant piece of overseeing diabetes is keeping up a sound load through a solid eating routine and exercise plan. Olokoba, Obateru, Olokoba, 2012) Type 1 diabetes (recently known as insulin-needy, adolescent or youth beginning) is portrayed by lacking insulin creation and requires every day organization of insulin. The reason for type 1 diabetes isn't known and it isn't preventable with current information. Manifestations incorporate inordinate discharge of pee (polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), steady appetite (p olyphagia), weight reduction, vision changes, and weakness. These side effects may happen quickly. Mosorovic, Brkic, Nuhbegovic, Pranjic, 2012) Type 2 diabetes (some time ago called non-insulin-needy or grown-up beginning) results from the bodyââ¬â¢s insufficient utilization of insulin. Type 2 diabetes includes 90% of individuals with diabetes, and is to a great extent the consequence of overabundance body weight and physical inertia. Side effects might be like those of Type 1 diabetes, however are frequently more subtle. Accordingly, the malady might be analyzed quite a long while after beginning, when difficulties have just emerged. (Mosorovic, Brkic, Nuhbegovic, Pranjic, 2012) Diabetes is the seventh driving reason for death in the United States, influencing 25. million individuals everything being equal (8. 3 percent of the U. S. populace). Of the 25. 8 million influenced individuals, 7. 0 stay undiscovered. Diabetes is the main source of coronary illness, stroke, kidney disa ppointment, lower-appendage removals, and new instances of visual deficiency among grown-ups in the United States. (http://diabetes. niddk. nih. gov) Meet Mrs. M, who was determined to have type 2 diabetes at 35 years old. Mrs. M is presently 57 years of age. She has discovered that in spite of the fact that there is no remedy for type 2 diabetes, it tends to be overseen. She knows that so as to all the more likely deal with this ailment she needs to eat well, work out, and keep up a sound weight.Mrs. M has thoughtfully consented to be met. We will become familiar with her, how she adapts to this ailment, and her battle in keeping up a solid load by consolidating sound cooking in her way of life. I will utilize the five all encompassing factors inside the Neuman Systems Model (NSM) to distinguish how Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s inward and outside condition are influenced. I will likewise evaluate Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s adapting needs and give a dependable and solid asset from which she can profit by. Physical Variable Mrs. M was determined to have type 2 diabetes at 35 years old when she got pregnant with her last child.During a routine doctorââ¬â¢s visit, it was seen Mrs. M was putting on a lot of weight. Around her 24th seven day stretch of pregnancy, the specialist requested she have a glucose test. The test indicated a significant level of sugar in her blood. The test was rehashed and once, it demonstrated that her glucose level was higher than typical and there was likewise sugar in her pee. By then, the specialist determined her to have gestational diabetes. In 1990, the main thing that was endorsed was that she start controlling a day by day infusion of insulin. This came as a totally stun to Mrs. M. She had never at any point known about this thing called ââ¬Å"diabetesâ⬠.Even all the more upsetting was the way that she, and her unborn child, was presently conveying this sickness. The specialist exhorted Mrs. M that in spite of the fact that the glucose could re ach and influence her infant, the insulin would not traverse to the infant. She was satisfied with the news that once she conveyed the child, she would come back to her ordinary diabetic state. The specialist educated Mrs. M the significance of checking her blood glucose and keeping up a solid eating routine after the birth. This would assist with decreasing her odds of creating type 2 diabetes. Regardless of the suggestions, Mrs. M wound up creating type 2 diabetes.For the previous 22 years, Mrs. M has been living with this incessant malady. Her prescription has been changed a few times consistently. Right now, she is taking Glucophage 500mg and 4 units of Humilin in the first part of the day. From the last time Mrs. M was seen by her essential consideration doctor, these were her outcomes: she weighed 170 pounds, circulatory strain was 122/78, normal glucose was 125 mg/dL, normal hemoglobin A1c test (HbA1c) normal was 5. 98%, her cholesterol and triglyceride levels were inside ord inary confines, her kidneys were functioning admirably, and no conspicuous injuries or contaminations of her feet or skin.Her last optometry visit demonstrated no issues with her vision. She knows dental tests and cleaning are significant and tries to visit the dental specialist at regular intervals. In evaluating Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s physical variable, I confirmed that the absence of information about diabetes as a significant stressor. Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s specialist visits have been a significant asset. Socio-social Variable She is a conventional Mexican lady and her cooking or dietary patterns have never been a worry. She has constantly cooked customary Mexican dishes, which are high in fat. She never figured out how to cook or eat healthy.It is a conviction of Mrs. M that anything that is ââ¬Å"low fatâ⬠, ââ¬Å"nonfatâ⬠, or basically ââ¬Å"healthyâ⬠must not taste great. Mrs. M was as of late laid off and is jobless, leaving her with no protection. She wouldn't like to visit the doctorââ¬â¢s office since she says that it is excessively costly. In addition to the fact that she has to pay for her prescription, yet in addition the doctorââ¬â¢s visit and the research center bill. This has given her inspiration to attempt to shed pounds. She realizes that in the event that she gets in shape, she might have the option to get off the meds she is on.At this point, she is strolling regularly yet at the same time thinks that its difficult to begin good dieting propensities. She might want to figure out how to keep up a sound eating regimen that she and her family can profit by. It is difficult for her to break liberated from all the nourishments she has cherished for her entire life. Be that as it may, she understands it is important to roll out this exceptional improvement so as to assist her with losing the weight. In surveying Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s social-social variable, I discovered that the absence of protection as a significant stressor. Mrs. Mââ¬â ¢s inspiration and ability to get more fit are significant assets. Mental VariableJust like every other person, Mrs. M has great days and terrible days. On most days, she feels propelled and confident that she will have the option to more readily control her diabetes and get off her medication. She goes on day by day strolls and truly appreciates it when her little girl goes with her. She says that when her little girl goes on these strolls with her, it causes an opportunity to pass by quick and she truly partakes in the time they spend together. These strolls serve not exclusively to shed pounds yet additionally as a distractor. Mrs. M utilizes this opportunity to discuss her day and about existence as a rule. Be that as it may, there are days that are not very great for Mrs. M.There are days where she feels vanquished and wore out by her diabetes. She has an inclination that she is ââ¬Å"oldâ⬠now and her wellbeing is gradually declining. She has had this illness for such a long time now and doesnââ¬â¢t see any improvement. It has been a stale procedure for her and that truly baffles her. There are days when she blows up that she canââ¬â¢t eat certain nourishments and that she needs to take prescriptions to be capable lead a semi typical life. Every so often, she feels like simply surrendering and letting God choose her confidence. In surveying Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s mental variable, I decided her sentiment of annihilation is a significant stressor. Mrs.Mââ¬â¢s day by day strolls with her little girl are a significant asset. Otherworldly Variable Mrs. M is a committed Catholic. She has total confidence in God, the Catholic Church, and the intensity of petition. Mrs. M feels our entire universe isnââ¬â¢t constrained by people, yet by God. Her life, past and future, lies exclusively in Godââ¬â¢s hands. There is no doubt in her brain that there is an existence in the wake of death, where her spirit and soul will ascend to and will go to a superio r spot. She isn't frightened of death. She anticipates the day when she will find a sense of contentment and liberated from stresses and agony; a spot where she will live endlessly, brimming with satisfaction and joy.She foresees the day when she can rejoin with her dad and have the option to see him, converse with him, and hold him once more. Mrs. M feels she has carried on with a satisfying and great life. She says she has been honored to have had the chance to live and encounter this thing we call ââ¬Å"lifeâ⬠. She realizes her infection has numerous wellbeing outcomes and feels that if something happens to her, God got it going which is as it should be. He controls her life and she is happy to acknowledge what he has chosen for her. In surveying Mrs. Mââ¬â¢s profound variable, I confirmed that there is no stressor included. Mrs.Mââ¬â¢s confidence in God is a significant asset. Formative Variable Stage of improvement Generativity versus Stagnation is Erik Eriksonâ⬠â¢s second psychosocial advancement phase of adulthood and occurs between the ages of 25-64. During this time, we build up our professions, settle down inside a relationship, start our own families and build up a feeling of being a piece of the master plan. We offer back to society through bringing up our kids, being gainful busy working, and getting engaged with network exercises and associations. By neglecting to accomplish these targets, we become stale nd feel inefficient. Mrs. M is in the Generativity stage. (Fainthearted, Hirnle, 2009) Tasks of formative stage Mrs. M is hitched with 4 developed kids, and will praise her 36th wedding commemoration on December 14, 2012. Mrs. M was conceived in Jalisco, Mexico and moved to the United States when she was 21 years of age. Her thoughts customs still
Alcohol Is the Worst Drug in the United States
A recent report by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs positioned liquor as ââ¬Å"most harmfulâ⬠medicate on a rundown of 20 medications. Liquor positioned higher than split and heroin when the potential damage to people and others was analyzed. Liquor causes physical, mental and social issues. Liquor is a depressant that influences all aspects of the human body. Liquor influences the piece of the cerebrum that controls coordination, memory, judgment and dynamic. Every year, in excess of 5,000 individuals younger than 21 kick the bucket from underage drinking. Another 1,900 bite the dust from auto collisions. What's more, still more beyond words liquor related manslaughters, suicides and other liquor instigated mishaps. Liquor costs the U. S. more than 184. 6 billion dollars in 1998, as indicated by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This cost was more than the evaluated cost of all other unlawful substances set up $143. billion-during 1998. Despite the fact that liquor has been named the most hurtful medication, it isn't the medication that does the most damage to a person. Truth be told, liquor earned this questionable respect as a result of the impact that liquor has on the individuals around the heavy drinker. Herion, break cocain and metamfetamine are significantly more unsafe to a personââ¬â¢s body than liquor is. In a later report in the British Medical Journal, liquor was seen as the fourth most hazardous medication after heroin, split and precious stone meth. This equivalent examination esteemed liquor to be the second most risky medication to society. A few people say that liquor ought to be restricted. Regardless of the staggering proof that alchol is terrible for indivduals and their friends and family, liquor stays lawful in the U. S. During the 1920ââ¬â¢s the US restricted liquor during a period called Prohibition. This approach is considered to have been a disappointment since it lead to increasingly sorted out wrongdoing, expanded drunkards and contrarily affected the economy. Liquor keeps on being publicized on TV and radio, evidently tempting individuals to proceed to purchase and drink alchol. Liquor will consistently be lawful. Liquor is a major piece of our American culture. It is grasped and celebrated by individuals of any age each day. Our nation isn't set up to make the utilization of liquor unlawful. Doing so would stop up the court frameworks, lead to debasement of authorities and handicapped person the U. S. econmy because of the lost assessment cash produced by the offer of liquor. Individuals do should be instructed on the risks of liquor so every individual can settle on the best choice for themselves and their family, which is stay away from liquor all together. References Alaraki, M. (2010). Liquor is societyââ¬â¢s most perilous medication. Recovered from http://www. dailyfinance. om/2010/11/01/liquor is-societys-most-hazardous medication/Nutt, D. J. , (2010). Medications hurts in the UK: a multicriteria choice examination. The Lancet 376(9752), 1558-1565. Doi: 10. 1016/50140-6736(10)61462-6 Grohol, J. M. (2010). Liquor the Most Dangerous Drug? Presumably not. Recovered from http://psychcentral. com/blog/chronicles/2010/11/01/liquor the-mo st-perilous medication presumably not/Neurobonnkers. (2012). The biggest ever concentrate in to medicate hurts places liquor in the main four. Recovered from http://neurobonkers. com/2012/08/06/the-biggest ever-study-in-to-sedate damages places-liquor in-the-main four/ Liquor Is the Worst Drug in the United States A recent report by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs positioned liquor as ââ¬Å"most harmfulâ⬠sedate on a rundown of 20 medications. Liquor positioned higher than split and heroin when the potential damage to people and others was analyzed. Liquor causes physical, mental and social issues. Liquor is a depressant that influences all aspects of the human body. Liquor influences the piece of the mind that controls coordination, memory, judgment and dynamic. Every year, in excess of 5,000 individuals younger than 21 kick the bucket from underage drinking. Another 1,900 bite the dust from auto crashes. What's more, still more beyond words liquor related murders, suicides and other liquor incited mishaps. Liquor costs the U. S. more than 184. 6 billion dollars in 1998, as indicated by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This cost was more than the evaluated cost of all other illicit substances set up $143. billion-during 1998. In spite of the fact that liquor has been named the most unsafe medication, it isn't the medication that does the most damage to a person. Truth be told, liquor earned this questionable respect in light of the impact that liquor has on the individuals around the drunkard. Herion, split cocain and metamfetamine are significantly more destructive to a personââ¬â¢s body than liquor is. In a later report in the British Medical Journal, liquor was seen as the fourth most hazardous medication after heroin, break and precious stone meth. This equivalent investigation esteemed liquor to be the second most perilous medication to society. A few people say that liquor ought to be restricted. In spite of the mind-boggling proof that alchol is awful for indivduals and their friends and family, liquor stays legitimate in the U. S. During the 1920ââ¬â¢s the US restricted liquor during a period called Prohibition. This arrangement is considered to have been a disappointment since it lead to increasingly composed wrongdoing, expanded heavy drinkers and contrarily affected the economy. Liquor keeps on being publicized on TV and radio, evidently alluring individuals to proceed to purchase and drink alchol. Liquor will consistently be lawful. Liquor is a major piece of our American culture. It is grasped and celebrated by individuals of any age each day. Our nation isn't set up to make the utilization of liquor unlawful. Doing so would obstruct the court frameworks, lead to debasement of authorities and challenged person the U. S. econmy because of the lost expense cash created by the offer of liquor. Individuals do should be taught on the perils of liquor so every individual can settle on the best choice for themselves and their family, which is stay away from liquor all together. References Alaraki, M. (2010). Liquor is societyââ¬â¢s most risky medication. Recovered from http://www. dailyfinance. om/2010/11/01/liquor is-societys-most-hazardous medication/Nutt, D. J. , (2010). Medications hurts in the UK: a multicriteria choice investigation. The Lancet 376(9752), 1558-1565. Doi: 10. 1016/50140-6736(10)61462-6 Grohol, J. M. (2010). Liquor the Most Dangerous Drug? Likely not. Recovered from http://psychcentral. com/blog/files/2010/11/01/liquor the-most-perilous medic ation likely not/Neurobonnkers. (2012). The biggest ever concentrate in to medicate hurts places liquor in the best four. Recovered from http://neurobonkers. com/2012/08/06/the-biggest ever-study-in-to-medicate hurts places-liquor in-the-main four/
Monday, June 29, 2020
Seeing Love Through Fresh Eyes - Literature Essay Samples
Pastoralism as a literary device thrives on the juxtaposition of city life and country life. Pastoralists often stress that the burdens of the city can be alleviated and clarified by a trip into the countrys therapeutic environment. A sense of balance and rightness is often restored either through self-reflection or conversations with uncorrupted shepherds. Sojourns to these socially detached regions enable one to explore ideas and play roles-on ones own terms and for ones own amusement (Leggatt 192). Through the characters of Rosalind and Orlando in his comedic play As You Like It, William Shakespeare suggests that to find true happiness, one must visit the forest and be freed from worldly constraints. The city life burdens the two protagonists of As You Like It with social customs and conventions, as illustrated by their initially strained and stumbling speeches. Upon extracting themselves from the suffocating urban environment, both are able to openly embrace and develop thei r love in the Forest of Arden. The lessons learned and the emotions expressed in the forest (sans the restrictions of social propriety and expectation) extend far beyond the forests edge they have existed all the while, and simply required an unclouded lens to be revealed.Whether because of their self-consciousness about expressing their undying love for one another or the social standards that quiet such outbursts, Orlando and Rosalinds love dialogue at court is hesitant, groping, and shy at best (Leggatt 194). Orlando, a character heretofore known to be quite eloquent and verbose when expressing his emotions to his brother, finds that he has weights upon [his] tongue and is overthrown with love, unable to speak to the beautiful Rosalind when she urges conference (AYLI.I.II.244-246). Love is depicted as more an oppressive than liberating power, as Shakespeare emphasizes by utilizing a number of conquering images (Leggatt 194). Similarly, Rosalind is awestruck by her newfound l ove. Upon Celias appeal that Cupid have mercy for her cousin has not a word, Rosalind admits that she has not one to throw at a dog (AYLI. I.III.1-3). Throughout this scene Celia urges the conversation onward, while Rosalind hesitantly though dotingly reveals her interest in the young man. Seen through this window, coated in the dust of antiquated convention and the grime of hesitation, the future for the relationship between Orlando and Rosalind appears murky and unpromising. Having been chased out of civilization by either threat or banishment, both characters are forced to seek refuge in the forest. Upon entering the woods, they cast off their inhibitions, enjoying considerable imaginative freedom in the forest while also finding themselves in a place of testing and education (Leggatt 191). In direct contrast to his former inarticulacy, Orlando finds his tongue, in surprisingly ornate, patterned verse, littering the forest sanctuary with heartfelt poems in witness of [his] love for Rosalind (Leggatt 195, AYLI.III.II.1, 122-151). His ability to not only express his love but to do so in such a vulnerable manner and in such a public forum reveals a man uninhibited by personal and social reservations, capable of a level of self-expression that is only actualized upon entering the woods. Furthermore, while Celia had formerly dominated and guided the conversation about Orlando, Rosalind as Ganymede comes into her ownstarts developing her own ideas and using her own wit (Leggatt 194). Rosalind seems to achieve a full role reversal, illustrated by her litany of inquiries about Orlando and her rhymed, romantic contemplations on love; she is driven by a desire to learn more and be more engrossed in the madness of love (AYLI.III.II.213-219, Leggatt 196, AYLI.III.II.386). As a third testament to their uninhibited expression of love in the forest, the scenes in which Rosalind (as Ganymede) and Orlando speak to no end about the tortures and raptures of love de pict a sentiment that will withstand the seasons (AYLI.IV.I.136-146). Once cleared of the muck that clouds the relationship in an urban environment, the future for this couple appears clear and long-lasting. Pastoralism is the cloth with which the dust-caked eyeglass is cleaned. Ever since their first encounter, Orlando and Rosalind have been secretly infatuated with each other, though both are initially too concerned with the standards of city life and their own pride to reveal their true emotions, thus clouding their ability to see their future. Clearing away these hindrances by entering the forest (and thus liberating themselves from social conventions), they freely articulate their love to their peers and each other. Because the eyeglass has at last been cleaned, their love and future together is clearer and truer. By leaving the court life and the threats of Duke Frederick and Oliver, Rosalind and Orlando are at last able to examine and nurture their love. The glass merel y needed cleaning; now refreshed, they can return to the court with an uninhibited vision of their future.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Perry Smiths Culpability in In Cold Blood - Literature Essay Samples
In Truman Capoteââ¬â¢s nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood, Perry Smith and Dick Hickcock were convicted of murdering the entire Clutter Family. When proven guilty, both Perry and Dick were sentenced to death. Though Perry had been the one to murder the members of the family, Dick had planned the whole thing. Without Dickââ¬â¢s planning, Perry would have never thought to kill that innocent family. Throughout the novel, the audience is given a look at the backgrounds and inner thoughts of the criminals. Dick was perfectly capable of determining right from wrong, yet he proceeded with the murders, keeping complete control of the situation. On the other hand, Perry (whom we learned later in the novel could have been a paranoid schizophrenic all along) had lost all control in the situation. Perrys childhood and mental health leads to the conclusion that he should be spared, and treated for his mental instability. Authors often lead readers to feel compassion for the criminal- maybe regarding a mistreated, abusive childhood, or challenges and struggles theyââ¬â¢ve had to face. Even though people understand the consequences of the crime, they feel sympathy for someone whoââ¬â¢s had so much pain in their life. They assume that the ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠was rooted in something that truly affected the criminal. Perry Smith is no exception. Capote not only included Perryââ¬â¢s thoughts, but his fatherââ¬â¢s as well. Perrys father wrote a manuscript called A History of My Boys Life, trying to mollify the Kansas State Parole Board so that they could allow his son, Perry, to be obtain parole. Mr.Smith writes about his drunkard wife (Perryââ¬â¢s mother), who had taken Perry and his siblings from their father at a very young age. My children all cried at the top of their voices wrote Perryââ¬â¢s father, and she only cursed them saying they would run away to come to me later.(Pg.126). Just as his mother had then said, Perry tried to run away from his mother. She had then send poor Perry to a Catholic orphanage. There, Perry was mercilessly beat by nuns who punished him for small things like wetting his bed. After such an experience, Perry began to resent nuns, religion and God, altogether. He was kicked out of the Catholic orphanage and sent somewhere worseâ⬠¦A childrens shelter operated by the Salvation Army.(Pg.132). The nurse at the shelter had no love for him eitherfor wetting the bed and for having a Native American mother. The evil bastard would fill a tub with ice-cold water and hold helpless Perry under the water until he turned blue. He inevitably got sick with pneumonia (Pg.132). Perryââ¬â¢s childhood was filled with abandonment, abuse and neglect. His horrible mother constantly threw him away from orphanage to shelter (the next one being worse than the previous) trying to get rid of him somewhere so she wouldnt have his burden. No one should be trea ted like that. He had grown up in a very dysfunctional world, with an almost non-existent sense of self-worth or self-respect. It led to an emotional imbalance in his life, leading to cause bigger problems for him as an adult. This ultimately led to affect his mental health, resulting in his loss of control during the murders. Throughout the novel, we read about Perry being a child trapped in a grown manââ¬â¢s body. Perry dreams of buried treasure and adventures around the world. His ever active imagination even attracts Dickââ¬â¢s attention. Even he seems to notice something strange about his partner in crime. There was something wrong with Little Perry said Dick, always wetting his bed and crying in his sleepâ⬠¦sit for hours just sucking his thumb and poring over them phony damn treasure guides. Dick also noticed his emotionally instability. He would describe Perry to be spooky as hellâ⬠¦ready to kill you, but youd never know it(Pg. 108). Perrys childhood had indubitably led to concerning, questionable actions in his adult years. Throughout the whole novel, Perry just seemed as though he was making sure he had Dickââ¬â¢s respect and approval. He wanted nothing more than to feel accepted, even to someone like Dick. Perry develops a story about a murder in which he beats a nigger to death while in Las Vegas (Pg.109). He tells Dick this life in hope of Dickââ¬â¢s approval. Feeling like an outcast for all of his life, Perry was determined to get respect and positive attention from Dick. Dick essentially picked Perry as his partner to settle the score because he had believed Perryââ¬â¢s lie about killing a man. Perryââ¬â lost and desperate ââ¬â was more than willing to gain a friend (finally feeling important to someone) and possibly go to Mexico, the place he has been dreaming to go since he was younger, at the price of a dirty conscious. To Perry, the feeling of self-worth could now only be accomplished if he gained respect from Dick. Though someone might say ââ¬Å"murder is murderâ⬠, and that in the end, both men deserve to die. They believe that even though Perry could be clarified as a paranoid schizophrenic, this deranged psychotic motivation canââ¬â¢t be to blame for the murders. Dr. W. Mitchell Jones had even said that Perry Smith was oriented, hyper-alert to things going on about himâ⬠¦showing no sign of confusion.(Pg.296). While it all could be true, Dr. Jones still concluded that Perry could not determine right from wrong at the time of the murders. Perry shows definite signs of severe mental illnessâ⬠¦ a childhood marked by brutality and lack of concern on the part of both parentsâ⬠¦ he has a paranoid orientation toward the world.(Pg. 297). Dr. Joseph Statten of the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas consulted with Dr.Jones and supported his concluding evaluation of Perry. Statten recommended that only the first murder matters psychologicallyâ⬠¦ when Smith attacked Mr.Clutter he was under a mental eclipseâ⬠¦a schizophrenic darkness, for it was not entirely a flesh and blood man he suddenly discovered himself destroying, but a key figure in some past traumatic configuration (his father? the orphanage nuns?) (Pg.302). This evidence/theory surely proves Perryââ¬â¢s mental instability. Though he had committed the crime, he could not be fully to blame. He lived a lifetime of confusion and despair, only leading up to instability and problems as an adultââ¬â and thatââ¬â¢s where the ability to murder had rooted from. ââ¬Å"In Cold Blood entangles the reader in the dark depths of Perry Smiths life. The reader has made a heavy judgment of Perry throughout the book. The reader has reviewed his thoughts and actions. One could only sympathize when hearing the horrid life he had been through. The reader could determine that Perry was not in good mental health. Every aspect of his life had led up to that point, that moment in time where he decided he would kill Herb Clutter. From the beginning, his life had been nothing but a feeling of no self-worth. Perryââ¬â¢s mother, the nurses and the nuns did not know that their actions could affect someone so deeply. They probably then did not realize that their abuse and neglect cause everlasting consequences for Perry. He should not be put to death because he could not be fully blamed for what he had done. His life had left him with serious mental instability, something that he could not be held responsible for.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Summary Of The Kite Runner - 955 Words
This novel tells a heartbreaking story about a friendship between to Afghan boys. While these boys have many differences their friendship is remarkable. Amir is born to a privileged class while Hassan to a disliked minority. Amir can read and write, but Hassan is illiterate. Amir is defenseless while Hassan is constantly defending Amir. They boys are always together and even though Hassan is Amirââ¬â¢s servant, Amir looks at him as friends. This unusually passionate story is also about the fragile relationship between fathers and sons, humans and their gods, men and their countries. This story also communicates about immigrant communities and what it means to be displaced from your homeland. The story takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan where the two boys live. All though the boys are both from Afghanistan, Hassan is looked at as a mutt because he is Hazara. Through out the story the two boys are threatened by a group of older boys who constantly bully them both, but mostly towards Hassan for being a Hazara. The racism in the Kite Runner is serious and in a gruesome scene, one of the older boys Assef rapes Hassan to teach him a lesson. This scene not only sticks with the reader the rest of the story, but also with Amir who canââ¬â¢t shake off the fact that he ran away instead of helping his dearest friend. Later in the book when Amir is returning to Afghan after living in America because of the Russian soldiers that came and invaded, he feels as if he is a tourist in his ownShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Kite Runner 1196 Words à |à 5 PagesNick St. Sauveur World Literature II 20 November 2015 Mrs. Hogan Kite Runner Essay Amir: Lost In Fear Over the duration of history, it has been shown that guilt not brought to light can do little in the name of personal redemption. Moreover, this is clearly connected with and related to Khaled Hosseini s fantastic novel The Kite Runner, one of which describes as well as shows the thoughts and actions of teens through the story s main character, Amir, and his many adventures as anRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner Essay997 Words à |à 4 Pages The Kite Runner Theme Paper In the song ââ¬Å"helloâ⬠by Adele she talks about how she wants meet to talk about everything in the past the makes her feel this guilt because the time away just didn t do enough she hasn t got over this feeling. Also in The Kite Runner, the character Baba experiences guilt so he does acts of kindness to redeem himself. No one knows why Baba did those acts of kindness till the end of the book because he thought no one would think of him the same way. In The Kite RunnerRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1388 Words à |à 6 PagesPeace at Last: An Analysis of Forgiveness in The Kite Runner The human body is built to attack infections, cuts, bruises, or bacterial cells as a way to repair the damages caused. The human mind will not repair the damages by itself; it usually needs an outside source to heal. One outside source that could heal a mind is the act of forgiveness. It can put a guilty conscience at peace. In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amirââ¬â¢s body could fix itself after the physical injuries AssefRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1269 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Kite Runner is a very powerful book that deals with many complex political and personal problems. This book has changed and challenged many of my views on life. I also found this book very inspiring and I have gained a greater appreciation for the life I have in Canada. Firstly, the text communicated with me through emotions. For example, I felt sadness for Hassan because of the way society treats him as an unequal. In addition, I have learned many things from this novel such as the importanceRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1036 Words à |à 5 PagesSunni Culture Imagine yourself in a world where the place you grew up in, was turned to dust, rubble, and heaps of itââ¬â¢s former self. Imagine yourself in that world for a second. The Kite Runner is a novel about two friends, inseparable by friendship and blood but divided by religion class. In the novel, ââ¬Å"The Kite Runnerâ⬠there is a young man named Amir, a Sunni Muslim, and Hassan, his servant and friend, a Shiââ¬â¢a Muslim. The two shouldnââ¬â¢t be friends by the standards, but all they know is friendshipRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 957 Words à |à 4 PagesI believe there were many instances of conflict in The Kite Runner revolving around Amir, the main character and narrator. He dealt with the struggle with himself for years after making Hassan and his father leave Amirââ¬â¢s home, He dealt with the struggle to win his fatherââ¬â¢s approval until his father died, and he struggled with God by the end of the book. In Khaled Hosseniniââ¬â¢s novel, The Kit e Runner, Amir struggles with conflict from a mistake and a hardship from his childhood which effects him theRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1423 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Kite Runner starts off in 2001, with Amir thinking back to his childhood. He specifically remembers the year 1975, and the story begins. Amir was only a boy in 1975, living in Kabul, Afghanistan with his father, Baba. Baba had two servants who lived on the property, Ali and Hassan. Baba and Ali have known each other for a long time and are very close. Hassan and Amir are around the same age so they play together, but Amir doesnââ¬â¢t always like Hassan. Rahim Khan, a friend of Baba, is also aroundRead MoreKite Runner Essay899 Words à |à 4 PagesGena Narcisco Mrs. Sharpe Honors English 10 10/11/12 The Kite Runner Do you know that Afghanis play a game where they fight with kites? The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini describes kite fights between local Afghani kids, regardless of their social status. The main characters in this story that come from a higher socioeconomic level are Baba, a lawyer from the Pashtun tribe, and his son Amir. The main characters in this story that come from the lower socioeconomic level are Ali, a servant fromRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1574 Words à |à 7 PagesHosseiniââ¬â¢s, The Kite Runner, is love. The Kite Runner follows Amir, the main character, finding redemption from a series of traumatic childhood events. Throughout the novel, the author uses many powerful symbols to represent the complexity of love that many experience in relationships. The use of the kite, the pomegranate tree, the slingshot, and the cleft lip all tie together to underscore a universal theme of love. To begin, the most explicit symbol present in the book is the kite. The kite representsRead MoreThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini977 Words à |à 4 PagesFacts about the author Khaled Hosseini was born in March 4th, 1965 in Kabul, Afghanistan and he is an Afghan-American novelist. He debuted in the year 2003 and released his book called ââ¬Å"The Kite Runnerâ⬠. The book opened to widespread critical acclaim and strong commercial success worldwide. And for this kind of novel he received Alex Award, Boeke Prize, ALA Notable Book and a lot of other prestigious awards. He has then authored several other books in his career. There was no turning back for Khaled
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The American Of The Mexican War - 943 Words
In an effort to gain the Texas territory, Polkââ¬â¢s decision to declare war on Mexico was provoked by the Mexican government itself. His diplomatic course of action proved to have been in vain in an attempt to gain compromise and peace between America and Mexico. Regardless of the attempts made by the American government to peacefully coerce Mexico to relinquish the land, America was denied each and every time. Military presence was necessary in order to facilitate a greater respect from Mexico and to also offer additional protection for the Americans residing in Texas at the time; it was not meant by any means to act as a threat towards the Mexican government. Provided these facts, it can be assumed that the Mexican War was not an exercise in American imperialism, but rather, was instigated by the increasing fear felt by the Mexican government due to the lack of power within their own boundaries; this fear was further perpetrated by the fact that Mexico owed America money b ut could not pay, Mexico stepped onto American soil and fired the first shots, and that the majority of residents residing in Texas were in fact American citizens. Knowing that the internal framework of the Mexican government was very unstable, Polk guarded the borders with troops in order to intimidate them into complying with Congressââ¬â¢s request- not to engage in war. His use of military force was ââ¬Å"designed less to protect Texas than to support an aggressive diplomacy which might extract aShow MoreRelatedMexican American War And The Mexican War1380 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Mexican American war better known as the Mexican war, was a conflict between The united states of America and Mexico. from 1846 to 1848. It followed in the wake of the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory, despite the 1836 Texas revolution. After its independence in 1821 and brief experiment with monarchy, Mexico became a republic in 1824, characterized by considerable instability, so that when war broke out in 1846, Mexico was ill-prepared for this conflictRead MoreThe War With Mexican American War1328 Words à |à 6 Pa gesThe war with Mexico is long remembered as an episode, and by no means is it an unimportant one. With the events that led up to its happening, from the Manifest Destiny to the disputes on territory, it has severely marked the United States. American historians regard the Mexican-American war as ââ¬Å"the foulest blot on our national honorâ⬠. ( Unethical actions were taken gain Mexican territory. Polk and his hunger for land drove him to find some devious way to fight a war with Mexico. HisRead MoreThe American Of The Mexican American War Essay730 Words à |à 3 Pages 1 Thomas Gordon The Mexican-American War 28 January 2015 US History University of Phoenix In 1846-1848 was the first time the U.S would fight a war on foreign soil, it was called the Mexican-American war. At this time Mexico was just starting to develop into a government and was extremely confused and leadership was split between decisions. While the U.S government was head over heels about pushing the countryââ¬â¢s borders farther and farther across North America with onlyRead MoreMexican American War1560 Words à |à 7 Pages1. How did American life during the period of the Age of the Common Man reflect both the influence of the frontier and the impact of newer rationalistic concepts? (Think inventions, religion, peace, prosperity, literature, art, education, etc) 2. Briefly define (no more than 1 paragraph each, some are a sentence or two): -The Mexican American War: The Mexican-American war was a fight for lad between the Untied States and Mexico where the United States defeated Mexico and gained over five hundredRead MoreThe American Of The Mexican American War Essay1470 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Mexican-American War was a result from the rising conflict between Mexico and the United States on who has the rights for Texas after Texas gained its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836. Before Texas annexed with the United States on December 29, 1845, it was an independent state with 9 years of being free from Mexico . Although Mexico never acknowledged Texas to secede from them, the Texans and the United States did so the U.S. decided to add Texas as the 28th state. After Texas gainedRead MoreThe Mexican and American War1953 Words à |à 8 Pages The Mexican and American War ââ¬Å"The United States had emerged as a modern capitalist nation, and the spirit of nationalism in the country was strong and growingâ⬠(Henderson 71). As tensions grew between the Unites States and Mexico, there was a thirst for war. The Unites States declared war with Mexico, because they owned land that Americans desired, resulting in Americaââ¬â¢s fulfillment of achieving their philosophy of ââ¬Å"Manifest Destinyâ⬠. The blood boil of both countries caused a lot of bloodshedRead MoreThe American Of The Mexican American War1664 Words à |à 7 PagesAileen Aguilar Professor Froese History 11 20 October 2016 The Mexican American War ââ¬Å"No President who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure.â⬠ââ¬âPresident James K Polk. The Manifest Destiny is believed to have the primary cause of western expansion in the United States during the 19th century.Read MoreThe American Of The Mexican American War1121 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Mexican-American War was a gruesome and bloody battle involving the two major powers between the Americans and the Mexicans. The first major power was the annexation of Texas and the second power is the protection along with the acquisition of the territory. States provinces such as California, Texas and New Mexico is inherited by Mexico from Spain. Mexico government was weakened and practically bankrupt after the war and was unable to take control of their territories. Before the war startedRead MoreAmerican History : The Mexican American War1363 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout American History, started from Jamestown Americans started to settle upon Native American land by wiping them out or forcing them to move west. By 1846 throughout 1848, Americans approach Mexican territoryââ¬â¢s land which they were eager to conquer and Manifest Density that was unstoppable and a goal for the United States. The conflict was the Mexicans weren t going to give up their land because of a selfish belief and were provoked to go to war against a stronger nation. A war broke outRead MoreAmerican History : The Mexican American War Essay1413 Words à |à 6 Pagesformation of the United States, war has been a constant factor within the political sphere. From these wars the U.S obtained power, land, and status unseen and unparalleled by any civilization in humankind. One of the earliest wars that allowed the United States to grow into the global power it is today was the Mexican-American war. This war not only shaped American politics for decades, but also fueled the sectional crisis that culminated into the infamous Civil War. Being the new countryââ¬â¢s first
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction To Political Science. Unit 2 Assignment. Write
Introduction to Political Science Unit 2 Assignment Write a one page document covering the following: Define political culture. ââ¬Å"American political culture puts a special emphasis on hard work, and is rife with stories of successful businessmen and leaders. (, 2016)â⬠Political culture is the attitudes, convictions, and conclusions which give order and intending to a political process and which give the hidden presumptions and guidelines that represent conduct in the political framework. It envelops both the political goals and the working standards of a country. Some say it is the AMERICAN DREAM. The belief that every American has the opportunity to seek after a superior life, a decent house, an auto or two, and a moreâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There are similar elements that we can characterize political culture by Liberty, Equality, Democracy, Individualism, The Rule of Law, Nationalism, and Capitalism. Research political culture in the United States and share at least 2 items. Liberty is what American political culture is based off of and the vast majority consider the right be free, as long as another s rights aren t mishandled. Basically, as long as you aren t harming others you have the right to freedom. Liberty doesn t involve complete freedom because there are rules and laws to help protect the rights and safety of others. We have a limited government meaning that our government s power is restricted by the constitution. In order to protect our civil rights from the government, we also have the Bill of Rights. Equality is easily put as an opportunity for equality, not absolute equality. Although, it doesn t promise equal outcomes. Liberty and Equality work together in our nation by giving everyone as close as can be to the same options. By balancing the two together we can get many different results. All citizens have the right to make their own personal choices and to have their own outcomes without having to be like others. Does political culture affect politics? How? Or why not? Yes, political culture does make an effect on politics. PoliticalShow MoreRelatedF Williams MKTG340 U2IP Essay1438 Words à |à 6 PagesUnità 2à Individualà Projectà à à à à à 1 Folukeââ¬â¢Ã O.à Williamsà 11/22/2014à Americanà Intercontinentalà University Instructorà C.à Xecominosà Projectà Type:à MKTG340à Unità 2à Individualà Project Unità 2à Individualà Projectà à à à à à 2 Abstract Inà todayââ¬â¢sà mediaà societyà journalistà andà marketingà publicà relationsà professionalsà areà veryà comparableà inà manyà ways.à Bothà jobsà involveà writingà à andà collectingà informationà soà ità canà beà editedà forà massà mediaà play.à Theseà twoà alsoà hasà itsà differencesà oneà reliesà onà factsà whileà theà otherà Read MoreStructural Functionalism Approach to Political Science3672 Words à |à 15 PagesPS 101: INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE Fall 2003 Professor Marc Ross Overview. 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InstructorsRead MoreUnit 38 Business and Economic Environment4792 Words à |à 20 PagesUnit 38: Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value: Business and the Economic Environment T/502/5500 BTEC National 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to the interaction between the general economic environment and business activity and how the interactions generate national wellbeing. Learners will study how government activities regulate and influence business activities and how business activities influence government action and policyRead MoreThe Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching (*Arends, 2001)6735 Words à |à 27 PagesTeaching Steps | Description | Teacher and/or Student Behavior | 1 | Get students ready to learn, and clarify the objective/s for the discussion | ï⠷ Teacher gets students ready to learn.ï⠷ Teacher identifies the objective/s for the discussion. | 2 | Focus the discussion | ï⠷ Teacher explains the ground rules for the discussion. | 3 | Facilitate the discussion | ï⠷ Teacher facilitates one of the whole class or small group discussion procedures described below. | 4 | Terminate the discussion | ï⠷Read MoreCaribbean Studies Syllabus5959 Words à |à 24 Pageswhich have shaped Caribbean society and culture; 2. Appreciate how cultural traits evident throughout the region have resulted from Caribbean peoplesââ¬â¢ experiences; 3. Understand the common features which exist within Caribbean diversity; 4. Understand the relevance of concepts encountered within the Module, to their own lives and to the lives of their communities SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Students should be able to: 1. Locate and define the Caribbean; 2. Explain the terms ââ¬Ësocietyââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëcultureââ¬â¢; 3Read MoreMass Media and Development6595 Words à |à 27 PagesUNIT 2 DEVELOPMENT. COMMUNICATION Structure 2.0 Objectives Introduction Concept and Definitions Philosophy of Development Communication Role of the Media in Development Communication Communication Needs and Resources Strategies in Development Communication Case Studies and Experience 2.7.1 Scavenger Development Programme of Indonesia: Case Study-I 2.7.2 Site Project: Case Study-II 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Let Us Sum Up Further Reading 2.10 Check Your Progress: Modei Answers After
Exposure and Behavoiral Therapies - 1180 Words
Final Essay Exposure and Behavioral Therapies December 12, 2006 In psychotherapy there are many different ways that a therapist can decide how to treat a client. In my paper I will discuss how Exposure Therapy and Behavioral Therapy work together with a client. I will focus on the nature of the problem, the process of change, theory in practice, multicultural considerations, and the types of clients and clinical problems. The Nature of the Problem: In both Exposure and Behavioral Therapy the main focus is on anxiety. These anxieties area conditioned response (Prochaska Norcross, 2005, p.238 264). In Exposure Therapy and Behavioral Therapy the client avoids situation where there will be confrontation or fear where it could beâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Multicultural Considerations: Cultural differences may see exposure therapy as worse than the disorder (Prochaska Norcross, 2005, p.252). Therapist should show empathy with clients instead of using terrifying visualization scenes for the client to deal with. In Exposure therapy the therapist s empathy is used as a more freighting scene. Trauma victims in search of sensitivity, support, and empowerment are provided more, higher decibel pain. When there is no empathic and caring relationship between clinician and client, psychotherapy, is not worth doing (Prochaska Norcross, 2005, p. 252). In these therapies the therapist focuses on the behavior o r feared stimulus, rather than deal with feels as much. Feelings of anxiety will be talked about while the client is going through the process of visualization, and at the end of the visualization to rate where their anxiety is. Strengths include a collaborative relationship between therapist and client in working toward mutually agreed-upon goals, continual assessment to determine if the techniques are suited to clients unique situation, assisting clients in learning practical skills, an educational focus, and stress on self-management strategies (Corey. 2005, p.485). With the client and therapist on the same page about how to work through the anxiety they can determine together would be more productive and helpful for the client. The therapist also needs to help the client with consequences
CYP Core 33 - 4.3 free essay sample
Explain the rights that children, young people and their carers have in situations where harm or abuse is suspected or alleged A child has the right to be protected against significant harm (childrenââ¬â¢s act 1989, every child matters 2004, United Nations Convention on the rights of the child etc.). A child/young person has the right not to be subjected to repeated medical examinations or questions following suspected abuse. Children should contribute their own account of their own views, they should be listened to and within certain circumstances these should be applied, but when a child is in significant harm then you would look at the childââ¬â¢s best interest to make them safe. In cases of alleged abuse or harm children and young people have the right to be protected from significant harm under the childrenââ¬â¢s act 1989, every child matters 2004 and the UNCRC They have the right to be involved in decisions that are being made about them and should be kept fully informed of processes involving them, while also being allowed to express their own views and opinions. We will write a custom essay sample on CYP Core 33 4.3 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A child or young person who is suspected of being abused then the primary concern will to ensure that the child is protected from further abuse and the childââ¬â¢s welfare will be the priority. Wherever possible the child may be allowed to remain in their family home and protection will be achieved by working with the childââ¬â¢s parents or carers without the need to remove the child. However, if they are suffering from physical or sexual abuse then they will be removed from their home to protect them from any further harm. Parents or carers have a right to be informed about what is being said and to contribute their own views and opinions, however if the child or young person is suffering significant harm then the parents or carers have no immediate rights.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Impact of Mediation on Legal Education
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Mediation on Legal Education. Answer: Introduction: There are a number of methods that can be used for resolving the dispute arising between the parties. Traditionally, the disputes have been resolved with the help of litigation. Therefore when the method of litigation has been adopted, a party takes recourse to legal action. Under this method, the party produces the arguments related with the law that applies to the facts of a particular case. These arguments are heard by the court and a judgment is delivered by the judge after reading these arguments (Catherine, 1999). As a method of resolving the dispute between the parties, the main feature that is present in case of litigation is that the courts have the purpose of applying public policy and similarly, they also want to ensure the strict adherence of law (Henry and Marriott, 1993). The result is that in case of litigation, less flexibility is available to the judges as compared to other methods of settling disputes out of the court. At this point it is also worth mentioning that there are certain advantages and disadvantages that are associated with litigation, as a method of resolving disputes (Astor and Chinkin, 2002). For example in this case, a class action is going to be brought by a law firm, against What Bank because according to the firm, exorbitant bank fees have been charged from the customers. In this way, there are around 8000 plaintiffs in this case. But What Bank is not willing to settle this dispute as the bank believes that it has a very strong defense available to it. Moreover, the bank is not much worried about the adverse publicity that it will have to face due to the lawsuit. Therefore, the only option left with the law firm is to bring a class action lawsuit against What Bank and adopt the method of litigation. Another method that is available in this case is to resolve the dispute with the help of arbitration. But in order to adopt the method of arbitration, it is necessary that What Bank should be ready to resolve the dispute with the help of this method. Arbitration can also be described as the formal process to resolve the disputes (Bryce, 2007). In case of arbitration, the provisions of Arbitration Act are applicable. When the process of arbitration has been adopted by the parties, the parties to the dispute refer the dispute to a third person. This person is called the arbitrator. Under this method, the arbitrator has to decide the suit according to the principles of natural justice (Raymond and Georgalis, 2003). The procedure of arbitration can vary, depending on the complexity of the issue and also the size of the dispute. But as in this case, What Bank is not ready to settle the dispute in any way, the law firm only has the option to use the method of litigation. In order to deal with the present scenario, the two methods that can be used to resolve the dispute are that of arbitration and expert determination. In case of the process of arbitration, a formal process is adopted for resolving the dispute. According to this process, the parties refer the dispute to a third, independent person. Such person is called the arbitrator (Michael, 2007). Although the parties may decide to change the process of arbitration, depending on the complexity of the subject matter of the dispute but in all the cases, it is necessary to follow the natural justice principles (Legg and Boniface, 2010). The outcome of this process is known as an award. The arbitration award is enforceable in the same way as a judgment delivered by the court can be enforced. The other process that can be used in this case by the parties to resolve the dispute is that of expert determination. In case of this process, the parties can adopt a flexible process. In expert determination, the third-party independent expert deals with the dispute. In this case, the parties agree in advance to be bound by the decision given by such outside expert. Commonly, it has been seen that the method of expert determination is particularly effective in dealing with the cases where the subject matter of the dispute is a technical nature or very complex. Both the processes of arbitration and expert determination have their own advantages as well as disadvantages. Therefore, in case of arbitration, the process is not as costly as litigation and it allows the parties to resolve the dispute quickly as against arbitration (Kenneth, 1999). However it is worth mentioning that the statutory rules are applicable in case of the process of arbitration and the parties are required to follow these rules. On the other hand, flexibility and confidentiality are the two main features of the process of expert determination. Another advantage that is available in case of arbitration is that the dispute can be resolved at a lesser cost and moreover, the arbitrator provides an enforceable determination to the parties. References Astor H and Chinkin C, 2002, Dispute Resolution in Australia, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Australia, 76 96 Bryce M., 2007 ADR Education from a Litigator/Educator Perspective, 81 St. Johns Law Review 1 Catherine, M. 1999, Moulding of Lawyers: ADR and Legal Education, 17 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 271 Henry B. and Marriott, A., 1993, ADR Principles and Practices, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 273 Kenneth, A. 1999 Impact of Mediation on Legal Education and on the Profession, 17 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 256 Legg M and Boniface, D. (2010) Pre-action Protocols in Australia 20 Journal of Judicial Administration 39, 54 Michael, B. 2007, ADR Education from a Litigator/Educator Perspective, 81 St. Johns Law Review 1 Raymond T and Georgalis, S 2003 Dispute resolution in the changing shadow of the law: a study of parties views on the conciliation process in federal anti-discrimination law , 6(2) ADR Bulletin at 33.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The Cybernetic Plot Of Ulysses Essays - Ulysses, James Joyce
The Cybernetic Plot of Ulysses A paper delivered at the CALIFORNIA JOYCE conference (6/30/93) Good afternoon. To quote the opening of Norbert Wiener's address on Cybernetics to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in March of 1950, The word cybernetics has been taken from the Greek word kubernitiz (ky-ber-NEE-tis) meaning steersman. It has been invented because there is not in the literature any adequate term describing the general study of communication and the related study of control in both machines and in living beings. In this paper, I mean by cybernetics those activities and ideas that have to do with the sending, carrying, and receiving of information. My thesis is that there is a cybernetic plot to ULYSSES -- a constellation or meaningful pattern to the novel's many images of people sending, carrying, and receiving -- or distorting, or losing -- signals of varying import and value. This plot -- the plot of signals that are launched on perilous Odyssean journeys, and that reach home, if they do, only through devious paths -- parallels and augments the novel's more central journeys, its dangers encountered, and its successful returns. ULYSSES works rather neatly as a cybernetic allegory, in fact, not only in its represented action, but also in its history as a text. The book itself, that is, has reached us only by a devious path around Cyclopean censors and the Scylla and Charybdis of pirates and obtuse editors and publishers. ULYSSES both retells and re-enacts, that is, the Odyssean journey of information that, once sent, is threatened and nearly thwarted before it is finally received. We are talking, of course, of cybernetics avant la lettre -- before Norbert Wiener and others had coined the term. But like Moliere's Monsieur Jourdain discovering that all along he's been speaking prose, so Leopold Bloom might delight in learning that he is actually quite a proficient cyberneticist. Joyce made his protagonist an advertizing canvasser at the moment when advertizing had just entered the modern age. Bloom's job is to put his clients' messages into forms that are digestible by the mass medium of the press. If Bloom shows up in the National Library, for instance, it will be to find a logo (in what we would call clip art) for his client Alexander Keyes. The conduct of spirit through space and time is what communication's about. And James Joyce was interested, as we know, in the conduct of spirit: his own, that of his home town, and that of his species. * * * Once they're sent, what are some of the things that can happen to messages? They can be lost, like the words that Bloom starts to scratch in the sand: "I AM A..." Signals can be degraded by faulty transmission, like the telegram that Stephen received in Paris from his father back in Dublin: "NOTHER DYING. COME HOME. FATHER." A slip of the pen -- as in Martha Clifford's letter to Bloom -- destroys intended meanings, but it also, as Joyce loves to point out, creates new ones. "I called you naughty boy," Martha wrote to Henry Flower, "because I do not like that other world." Signals can be abused and discarded, like the fate of "Matcham's Masterstroke" in Bloom's outhouse. Signals can be censored, pirated, misprinted, and malpracticed upon by editors, as happened the text of this novel itself. Signals can fall into the wrong hands, like the executioners' letters in the pub, or they can land where they're sent but make little sense, like the postcard reading "U.P. up" that Dennis Breen gets in the mail. And signals can, finally, reach their intended recipient with the intended meaning, as in Bloom's pleasure in reading Milly's letter to him in the morning's mail. And what about that book that Stephen is going to write in ten years? There's a premonitory cybernetic allegory for you, and one with a happy ending to boot. * * * I would like to sketch for you, then, a brief and cursory chapter-by-chapter account of the cybernetic plot of Ulysses. But lest the listener persist in harboring doubts, as we say, concerning the cybernetic signature of the Joycean narrative, let me anticipate the first sentence
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
College Admission Essay Topics - Things to Write About
College Admission Essay Topics - Things to Write AboutMost students know the college admission essay topics but don't really know how to properly utilize them. There are plenty of good essays out there but most students lack the writing skills necessary to turn their ideas into a coherent and polished piece of work. The following paragraphs will help you with some of the most common topics and let you know where to get good writing advice.Business Schools are known for their emphasis on communication. Good business essays are all about telling stories and having conversations with the admissions committee. What can you say to make yourself more appealing to these important admissions officers? The answer lies in your story.You can start by writing a cover letter that describes your own story and highlights your unique skills. You can also think about the traits that are most useful to your potential employer, and what you can bring to the table that they may not be aware of yet. This is one of the biggest topics for those who have no writing experience.Business schools will ask their applicants to write a resume as well, and this too will be an important part of the college admission essay topics. You want to make sure that your resume is concise and easy to read, but it needs to also give your valuable experience and attributes in the job market. Showing your achievements and credentials will be helpful for the admissions officer, but be careful to ensure that you do not put anything in the resume that could actually hurt your chances.Many applicants find that they enjoy writing about the areas that interest them the most, but others don't even know about them because these are the areas that most people shy away from. The major topics for admissions essays are athletics, music, food, geography, religion, foreign languages, and literature. Each of these can be very fun, but when writing for college you need to remember that you're speaking on behalf of yoursel f.As soon as you begin writing your admissions essay, take note of everything you see and understand with your own voice. You want to remain true to your own identity and opinion, but be as personal as possible so that you are writing not for yourself but for someone else. You also want to stay close to what is important to you and let other people express their opinions as well.The last part of college admissions essays that many people forget is the people part. You'll want to be as clear as possible about why you think your application is the best and why you deserve to be in college. Your essay needs to be convincing and show that you care enough about yourself to have found your own way to where you are today.Finally, you'll want to make new friends, meet new people, and spend some time looking around your campus. College is a time for discovering yourself and growing, so go the extra mile. These are the basic college admission essay topics that you need to write about.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Lou Gehrig Essays - New York Yankees Players, Lou Gehrig
Lou Gehrig Essays - New York Yankees Players, Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig was born and raised in New York City, the son of German immigrant parents. His full name was Henry Louis Gehrig. After graduating from high school, he attended Columbia University where he became a football and baseball star. Lou's father directed him to becoming a pro baseball player. He became sick and needed on operation, but there was no money for doctors and hospital expenses in the family budget, so young Lou quickly capitalized on his baseball skills. He accepted an offer from a scout to sign a contract with the New York Yankees, for $ 1,500 in cash as a bonus. Lou dropped out of college to play in the minor leagues and gain some experience until the Yankees needed him. Gehrig was 22 when he became a big league rookie. He sat on the bench until one day in June in the 1925 season when he finally broke into the Yankees' line up as a first baseman. It happened because the team's veteran first baseman couldn't play because of a sever headache. He stayed first baseman for fourteen seasons, five thousand eighty-two playing days, he played a total of two thousand, one hundred and thirty major league games. It was a record that will never be broken or even equaled. To create that unbelievable endurance, feat, strong and powerful Lou Gehrig nicknamed "The Iron Horse," played in every one of the two thousand, one hundred and thirty consecutive games, even though he was beaned three times, had fingers broken ten times, suffered fractured toes, torn muscles, a wrenched shoulder, a back injury, chipped elbows, and the pain of several lumbago attacks. Yet, in every contest of that incredibly long playing period he played with all the enthusiasm of a kid breaking into the big leagues. During that streak of 2,130 consecutive games "The Iron Horse" performed other astonishing feats. He became the first in the 20th century to hit four consecutive home runs in a nine-inning game. Only he in major-league history hit 23 grand slam home runs for 13 years in a row he drove in one hundred runs, topping 150 RBI's seven times and setting the American League record of 184 runs batted-in during the 1931 season for twelve seasons in a row he hit more than .300, and he made 1,991 runs, scored 1,888 runs, and walked 1,510 times. He won the coveted "Triple Crown" of the majors, the Most Valuable Player award, made 2,721 safe hits for a life time batting average of .340. His magnificent playing helped the Yankees win seven pennants and six World Series championships. Though he had begun in the big leagues as a clumsy, poor-fielding first baseman, "Larruping Lou," as he also came to be known, over came his faults through perseverance, patience, tireless practice and hard work, and blossomed out into a smooth and skillful a first baseman as ever lived. More than all this, though he never was flamboyant nor spectacular, and never sought the headlines, clean-living Gehrig of exemplary habits became an idolized and inspirational hero to many boys throughout America. Ironically, "The Iron Horse," the strongest and most durable big-league player of his time, became a victim of cruel fate. When Gehrig was 36 and still in his prime, he was felled by a mysterious disease that robbed him of his strength, power, and coordination. Puzzled doctors diagnosed this illness as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a form of paralysis affecting the spinal cord. It is now referred to as "Gehrig's disease." On a May afternoon in that 1939 season he benched him self as the Yankees first baseman because he could no longer help his team. He wept when it happened and never played again. On a July 4th afternoon of that memorable season more than 75,000 loyal fans flocked into the vast Yankees' ball park to pay homage to Gehrig and bid him farewell. Although the fabled "Iron Horse" knew that he was dying, he stood at home plate and told the huge hushed throng: "Fans they tell me I've been given a bad break. But I've got wonderful parents, a wife who loves me, and I've played baseball with the greatest teammate a ball player could ever
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Crito Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Crito Questions - Essay Example He also feel that it would be a shameful thing for Socrates to be publicly executed because he is no criminal. His other premise is that it is Socrates right to escape, in fact his duty since he has clearly been unjustly accused and imprisoned. Ans 2)Socrates had been imprisoned by the very people whom he was trying to help and educate. Although Socrates never believed that he was wise(one of his most famous quotes reflects this modesty) he had a method of cross questioning which became very famous because it destroyed the arguments that men gave in response to the questions he put to them. Although Socrates became very popular amongst a very powerful segment of Athenian society his tendency to question every thing including Athenian democracy won him the displeasure of many at the helm. According to an article written by Megan Worley three figures were specifically important in bringing the charges against Socrates, these were Anytus, Meletus, and Lycon. Ans 3) Winston Churchill was head of state for Great Britain at a very painful time in Europeââ¬â¢s history and he had to make a series of tough decisions. He is known for his inspirational leadership, and courageous decision making. I am of the opinion that both these men valued truth, dignity, awareness and justice, however Winston Churchillââ¬â¢s position as leader puts him in a decision where perhaps safety and victory for Britain is more important than truth and dignity. Although Socrates has developed a powerful following in Athens he does not have any nor does he apparently seek any political power. He does not feel responsible for leading Athens and this in a way leaves him free to make what he believes to be the morally right decision something that perhaps Winston Churchill did not have. Logos-ââ¬ËThen, my friend, we must not regard what the many say of us: but what he, the one man who has
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Information communication technology Research Proposal
Information communication technology - Research Proposal Example This research will explore and assess the used ICT and their impact on the performance of the Food and Beverage Department and Room Division of hotels from the perspective of employees. This research will examine (a) whether employees think that ICT is functioning in the two departments, and (b) whether they think that ICT has changed the manner customer service is provided and if retention of customer loyalty has been reinforced. Both quantitativeââ¬âself-administered questionnairesââ¬âand qualitativeââ¬âin-depth interviewsââ¬âmethods will be used as the study tries to find out observations, opinions, and views of line employees and managers. ICT provides numerous benefits for hotels. One of the most important benefits is improvement in customer service and customer retention due to the likelihood of direct and close communication with the customers. This study will look at the use of ICT in room division department and food and beverage department. As reported by Ham and colleagues (2005), because ICT has been evident to significantly affect competition, hotels have extensively depended on ICT to enhance customer service and customer satisfaction. Numerous researchers have discovered that there is positive correlation between application of ICT and quality of customer service. This study will examine how the room division department uses ICT to provide personalised customer care. Likewise, this study will examine how the food and beverage department employs ICT to provide premium food and service, manage bars, restaurants, and so on. After exploring how the room division department and food and beverage department use I CT, the research will examine how line employees and managers perceive the application of ICT in these departments and its impact on customer service and customer retention. Hospitality is service-oriented in nature, with its own unique attributes which
Friday, January 31, 2020
Driving Age Essay Example for Free
Driving Age Essay Driving age Turning the age of fifteen is a huge step in the life of a teen. When becoming this age a new challenge is brought into the persons life, the task of driving a car. But are fifteen year olds ready for this task. Driving a car is a task that should only be taken on by teenagers over the age of eighteen, because they are more responsible and understand the risks involved. In this essay I will explain and give reasons on why I think that the driving age should be raised to be able to get your drivers license at. 102 First Argument Teenagers not needing vehicles In todays society the idea of fifteen, sixteen and seventeen year olds operating cars has become a way of life. But if one stops to think about it, there is no need for these drivers to be on the road. Most of these drivers still live at home and have no Job because theyre still in school. So they have no Job to drive to or from. To go to school they can take the bus or be dropped off by their parents. I know theres so many times when I want to drive somewhere because my parents arent home or I Just want o be by myself outside of the house. Im sure a lot of teenagers that are younger than sixteen cant wait to be able to get on the road. Maybe they arent responsible enough, but then they shouldnt be driving. 144 Second Argument Accidents are caused mostly by teenagers The dramatic increase in teen accidents has lead major portions of the public to favor the driving age to be raised to eighteen. The direct concern is over fifteen, sixteen and seventeen -year-old drivers if they are responsible and experienced nough to drive on the road. Most New Zealand citizens agree that accidents involving teen drivers are their lack of Judgment and irresponsibility as a driver, and as well as their lack of experience and poor attention to details. I believe that the increase in teen accidents may decrease if the driving age is raised to eighteen. 98 Teenagers between the ages of fifteen, sixteen and seventeen years of age are more prone to get in a car accident then an eighteen or nineteen-year-old driver. There is a mall percent of teens on the road that obey the traffic laws, but there are many teen drivers that are reckless and showoffs. They rather gamble their life away drag racing down the freeway or down the street then acting responsible and mature while driving. The consequences of unsafe or irresponsible teen driving a cause 77% of automobile accidents. Parents and other supporters may argue that there is no difference between an eighteen-year-old driver to a sixteen or seventeen year old driver between the amount of experience they have. 123
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The American Media and the Exploitation of Men :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument
The American Media and the Exploitation of Men Menââ¬â¢s rights in the media are deliberately ignored today on TV and in the newspapers. Men have a social obligation to get married, have children, and support the family by going to work eight hours a day. Not many people think that men donââ¬â¢t have these obligations in life. Warren Farrell it talks about how menââ¬â¢s expectations are unfair in the world today in the article ââ¬Å"Men as Success Objectsâ⬠by (page 185). Intentions for marriage have changed over the last millennium. From personal fulfillment, relationship, to love both men and women have their reasons for getting married. But with marriage thereââ¬â¢s sometimes a divorce that comes with it, which has increased during the years. Because media focus on the womenââ¬â¢s rights, most people donââ¬â¢t understand the sexism directed against men. The idea ââ¬Å"men are jerksâ⬠is thought by women which have dominated the media. Along with fighting the degrading advertisements on the TV, men also have to live up to the obligation of bringing home a salary. Women marry men who are successful or have ââ¬Å"potentialâ⬠to make money in the world today. There are only a small percentage of men who will marry a woman because of her ââ¬Å"potentialâ⬠. More people need to recognize the unequal treatment men get these days. In the article ââ¬Å"Marriage, Horror, and Susan Reimer,â⬠the author expresses his disgust for the idea of marriage and having children. The woman Susan Reimer represents every American woman who thinks that no one is good enough for her. Every ââ¬Å"Susanâ⬠says that they despise men, yet they want to get married and have babies. These kinds of women will rape men in divorce courts, which should convince men to avoid them. Marriage can also do permanent financial damage to men, which is why being single is not a bad idea in these times. Men should always think twice about having children. From bad schooling to divorce can have permanent damage on a child. Despite what women say, having children should not be a priority. Because of the womenââ¬â¢s attitudes towards men today in America, it is recommended to find a wife somewhere overseas. Both of the texts have a strong point on menââ¬â¢s rights, and the perception on what women really want out of men. The authors would probably agree that men are being treated unfairly compared to women these days.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Issues Concerning Islam Essay
Muslims have been accused of mutilating women. This practice, however, is denied by the followers of Islam. According to them, ââ¬Å"Female Genital Mutilationâ⬠(FGM), which is actually a surgical procedure performed on girls before they reach the age of puberty for the purpose of terminating or reducing their sexual feelings, is not an Islamic practice. They explain that FGM is a tradition of ââ¬Å"Animists, Christians, and [some] Muslims in those countries where FGM is common. â⬠Women are given equal rights under Islam. In fact, the Qurââ¬â¢an decreed that when it comes to public life, men and women should have equal rights and participation. During the time of Muhammad, women were allowed to participate actively in their baya which is the equivalent of todayââ¬â¢s practice of political endorsements. Evidence of this Muslim womenââ¬â¢s status is the voting rights granted to women in the predominantly Muslim countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman. The women in Kuwait followed suit by earning their right to vote and get elected sometime in 2005. In fact, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, Kuwaitââ¬â¢s Prime Minister, divulged a plan to appoint a woman minister in Kuwait soon (Robinson, 2007). Muslims as terrorists and pro-violence Yusuf (n. d. ) said that majority of the Muslims are convinced that while the U. S. government has been blaming terrorism on Islam for years, it was the 9/11 incident which dealt the most telling blow on the credibility and reputation of their religion. This was because the international media was able to depict that many Muslims around the world rejoiced after that incident. The truth is, however, that majority of the Muslim world was saddened by that incident and the repercussions it caused. They would like to tell the world that terrorism is not an official policy of Islam and that, in fact, Muslims also consider terrorists as enemies of their religion. He laments the fact that When a crazy Christian does something terrible, everyone in the West knows it is the actions of a mad man because they have some knowledge of the core beliefs and ethics of Christianity. When a mad Muslim does something evil or foolish they assume it is from the religion of Islam, not because they hate us but because they have never been told by a Muslim what the teachings of Islam are all about. Yusuf blames this lack of Islamic knowledge among Christians to the fact that there is a dearth of credible spokespersons who could defend Islam from its attackers. As a matter of fact, Yusuf stressed that ââ¬Å"Islam is the middle way between excess and neglectâ⬠and that terrorism is the preoccupation of zealots and extremists who are, in fact, a plaque of Islam. According to him, there are two types of Muslim extremists whose acts destroy Islam. The first he calls ââ¬Å"reactionary extremists. â⬠This group rejects any form of religious pluralism. According to these reactionary extremists, the world consists of good and evil with nothing in between. Good, according to them, means the reactionary extremists and all those who oppose their actions are evil. Yusuf further explains that these kind of extremists are in the habit of ââ¬Å"excommunicatingâ⬠other Muslims who reject the way they interpret the Qurââ¬â¢an. However, this kind does not usually resort to violent acts to achieve their goals. Instead, they employ character assassination or takfir to ward their critics (Yusuf, n. d. ). The second type is the ââ¬Å"radical extremist. â⬠These Muslims extremists, according to Yusuf, are the ones who resort to violent acts and tactics to further their objectives. Yusuf stressed that these Muslims act as if they belong to some secret, wicked society whose members believe in the dictum that ââ¬Å"the end justifies the means. â⬠In other words, any method, even the most violent method, is acceptable as long as their ââ¬Å"causeâ⬠is advanced. According to Yusuf, this is destroying Islam because the methods employed by Islam should be reflecting the noble ends of the religion. Secondly, Islam is not a ââ¬Å"secret society of conspiratorsâ⬠ââ¬â rather, it is open with its objectives and traditions which have already been accepted and recognized by people from other religious denominations (Yusuf, n. d. ).
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